COVID-19 Deaths Then vs. Now

A look back at data leading up to the May 9th reopening. What the death totals were on May 10th compared to what they are today. Deaths back in April and May continue to climb even today half way through the month of June.

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2020 Census Response Rate

Recently has begun releasing the response rate for the 2020 census. This map shows the percentage of people who responded in each city/town, as well as an option to view how many of those that responded, did so by using the internet. Future plans to update the map allowing drill down to the census-tract and census-block-group detail, but currently the very granular geographies are missing some info.

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Northeast Dunkin' Maps

Date Category Map Tags dunkin

For National Donut Day I recreated my "RI Dunkin Map" for all of the Northeast states. The maps contain 1 to 5 mile buffer rings around every dunkin and layers it over the given state. This time, rather then using QGIS which is a bit of a lengthy process. I chose to automate 90% of the work with Python, the processing is done with GeoPandas and Shapely, while the mapping with Matplotlib.

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COVID-19 vs. 2018 Top 15 Causes of Death

An interactive graph showing 2020 COVID-19 pandemic deaths along side the top 15 causes of death in 2018. You can select a state & which binned range you want for 2018 deaths. "Most Recent" is the most recent COVID data vs. top 5 2018 leading causes of death for that month. "Prior Full Month" rolls the COVID data back the the prior full month comparing it to the top 5 causes of death up to that given month. "2018 Full Year" compares the most recent COVID data to the leading 15 causes of death for all of 2018.

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RI COVID-19 Trends

4 graphs showing the 7-day moving averages and the last 14-day trends for COVID-19 testing and hospital data in Rhode Island. Charts made with data from RIDOH revised trend sheet, created using Python matplotlib.

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COVID-19 in RI Nursing Homes

This graph shows the change in cases and fatalities between the 2 most recent dates of data provided by RI Department of Health. The top section is nursing homes and the separation at the bottom is assisted livings. RIDOH provides a range for cases/fatalities to the left, you can choose the low or high range, or an average of the 2 numbers and if you wish to view cases or fatalities. Hover over the points for exact numbers and more detail. If you see a single dot with +0 next to it, that means the data was the exact same as the prior week. A single dot with +4, or +9 means the nursing home had no data the prior week.

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COVID-19 Cases by Zip Code

A map showing COVID-19 cases for Rhode Island by zip code. The map shows the rate per 10,000 people to normalize the data by population. Population data used was Census 2010 ZCTA Population. RIDOH surpressed values under 5, so those are shown as 0.

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Automating a Tableau Public Dashboard

Manually updating Tableau dashboards isn't exactly hard. First you open up Tableau, next you open the workbook you wish to update, lastly you click on data in the toolbar, hover the dataset you wish to update and click refresh. Not hard, but doing it daily, can begin to be a pain and feel like a chore. Luckily! Tableau Public has google sheets as a datasource and allows you to keep the dashboard synced with the sheet daily updates. This will show you how to add a few lines to your pandas workflow to upload your dataframe to google sheets automatically.

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