Then & Now Historical Swipe Map

Explore the geographic changes each decade since the 1950's with satellite imagery data in this interactive swipe map. Pull the bar in the middle left or right to reveal the modern (2020) map and compare it with your choice of time period. There are 13 included "Quick Location" just a few interesting samples, feel free to pan and explore the map on your own.

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2020 Census Response Rate

Recently has begun releasing the response rate for the 2020 census. This map shows the percentage of people who responded in each city/town, as well as an option to view how many of those that responded, did so by using the internet. Future plans to update the map allowing drill down to the census-tract and census-block-group detail, but currently the very granular geographies are missing some info.

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COVID-19 Cases by Zip Code

A map showing COVID-19 cases for Rhode Island by zip code. The map shows the rate per 10,000 people to normalize the data by population. Population data used was Census 2010 ZCTA Population. RIDOH surpressed values under 5, so those are shown as 0.

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COVID-19 Cases by Location

A map showing COVID-19 cases for Rhode Island by city & town. The map shows the rate per 10,000 people to normalize the data by population. Population data used was Census 2017 ACS 5-year estimate. RIDOH surpressed values under 5, so those are shown as 0, City/Town data breakdown started being recorded 3/25.

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Optimal Route to Every RI Dunkin'

Date Category Map Tags Map / gif

The closest path to every Dunkin' in the state from 3 specific locations. From the center of the state, the state airport and the state house in Providence. Through using pandas and requests to query GraphHopper Routing API locally.

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