Providence Property Taxes 2019

Recently, Providence released their property tax roll for 2019. This time I used python & pandas to clean the data & create pivot tables viewing the changes. I focused on geographic changes looking at zip code, ward and neighborhoods to compare and contrast how the median single family & 2-5 family home value, and cost in taxes has changed from last year.

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RI House & Senate Floor Votes

This notebook will take a look at how many votes occur each year, when the session ends and how many votes occur in the final days of a session compared to the year as a whole for both the House and Senate.

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RI Bills by Sponsors Party and Outcome

Its no secret that Rhode Island's legislature leans overwhelmingly in the favor of Democrats. However, I wanted to see just how many bills introduced by Republicans go on to pass both chambers and become law. Also, how often the parties work together on Bi-Partisan bills and how all of these metrics have changed over the years since 2007.

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