National Donut Day - Political Spending

Since 2006, politicians in Rhode Island have had 1,633 expenditures at donut shops for a total of $76,269.09. Probably to little surprise, these are largely dominated by Dunkin'. This post will take a look at spending that revolves around donut shops, from national chains to local shops, highest single expenditure, spending by year and more. Happy National Donut Day!

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RI Dunkin' Isochrone Map

Date Category Map Tags dunkin

It's been over 2 years since my reddit Distance to Nearest Dunkin' post and i've been looking for a geo related Python project. So I decided to revisit and update it to address some of the issues with my first map that people pointed out. Mainly, I tackled the "as the crow flies" issue by using isolines that show drive-time and adhere to the roadway limitations.

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Northeast Dunkin' Maps

Date Category Map Tags dunkin

For National Donut Day I recreated my "RI Dunkin Map" for all of the Northeast states. The maps contain 1 to 5 mile buffer rings around every dunkin and layers it over the given state. This time, rather then using QGIS which is a bit of a lengthy process. I chose to automate 90% of the work with Python, the processing is done with GeoPandas and Shapely, while the mapping with Matplotlib.

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America Runs On... Dunkin'?

Does America actually run on Dunkin'? Well for starters, not every state has a Dunkin'. With that being said, in many states Dunkin is mostly focused in a specific geographic region. So, no... America doesn't "run on Dunkin". But what parts of the US actually Does?

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