COVID-19 in RI Nursing Homes

This graph shows the change in cases and fatalities between the 2 most recent dates of data provided by RI Department of Health. The top section is nursing homes and the separation at the bottom is assisted livings. RIDOH provides a range for cases/fatalities to the left, you can choose the low or high range, or an average of the 2 numbers and if you wish to view cases or fatalities. Hover over the points for exact numbers and more detail. If you see a single dot with +0 next to it, that means the data was the exact same as the prior week. A single dot with +4, or +9 means the nursing home had no data the prior week.

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COVID-19 Cases by Zip Code

A map showing COVID-19 cases for Rhode Island by zip code. The map shows the rate per 10,000 people to normalize the data by population. Population data used was Census 2010 ZCTA Population. RIDOH surpressed values under 5, so those are shown as 0.

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RI COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Licenses

3 graphs showing the profession, date issued and state of emergency temporary licenses provided by RIDOH to aid Rhode Island's health system in combating the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The licenses are provided free for 90 days with an optional one-time renewal and has seen a lot of applications from neighboring states of MA and CT.

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COVID-19 Cases by Location

A map showing COVID-19 cases for Rhode Island by city & town. The map shows the rate per 10,000 people to normalize the data by population. Population data used was Census 2017 ACS 5-year estimate. RIDOH surpressed values under 5, so those are shown as 0, City/Town data breakdown started being recorded 3/25.

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Timeline of COVID-19 Cases

Tracking the historical record of data on COID-19 from Rhode Island Dept. of Health. This shows the data by day for positive cases, total tests done (positive + negative), total deaths, self-quarantining and the number of people hospitalized. Hospitalizations wern't recorded till 3/25, first death was 3/28.

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Rhode Island COVID-19 Cases

Rhode Island's Dept. of Health started releasing information regarding testing for coronavirus on their website. This information contains the following: Number of Rhode Island COVID-19 positive and presumptive positive cases, number of people who had negative test results at RIDOH's State Health Laboratory, number of pending test results, and approximate number of people who are currently instructed to self-quarantine in Rhode Island.

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