Fly by Crow Distance

This will take you step by step and show how you can use either a fixed center point, or a parameter to dynamically change the center point location to filter/calculate the points within "x" miles of your chosen location using the newer Tableau geospatial formulas.

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Simple YTD Button

This tutorial will walk you through creating a button to swap back and forth between showing the full years worth of data, and showing all years filtered to the most recent date in your dataset. This can be useful when trying to see how the current year compares with prior years when not yet occurring dates aren't included.

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Automating a Tableau Public Dashboard

Manually updating Tableau dashboards isn't exactly hard. First you open up Tableau, next you open the workbook you wish to update, lastly you click on data in the toolbar, hover the dataset you wish to update and click refresh. Not hard, but doing it daily, can begin to be a pain and feel like a chore. Luckily! Tableau Public has google sheets as a datasource and allows you to keep the dashboard synced with the sheet daily updates. This will show you how to add a few lines to your pandas workflow to upload your dataframe to google sheets automatically.

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